
WAV Baseline Monitoring Methods

Baseline Stream Monitoring Calendar

Water Temperature Method FactsheetTransparency Method FactsheetDissolved Oxygen Method Factsheet

Streamflow Method Factsheet

Biotic Index Method Factsheet

Identifying and documenting Aquatic Invasive Species: Baseline Monitoring AIS Factsheet
Be on the lookout for four key aquatic invasive species while conducting your stream monitoring, to help prevent the spread of these organisms in Wisconsin. If you suspect you’ve found an aquatic invasive species, follow the steps in this factsheet to identify, document and report your find!
Optional resource: WAV Streamflow Worksheet
Interested in understanding the math behind WAV’s streamflow float method? Calculate streamflow by hand using this worksheet! Remember that the float method consistently overestimates streamflow by 24%, so you will need to account for this difference if you use the worksheet.

WAV Habitat Assessment Methods

WAV Habitat Assessment Training Guide (Level 2)

Habitat Assessment Method Factsheet

WAV Nutrient Monitoring Methods

Total Phosphorus Sampling Methods

Video: Collecting a Total Phosphorus Sample

Video: Collecting a Total Suspended Solids Sample

Video: Collecting an Orthophosphate Sample

Video: Packing and Shipping Nutrient Samples, and How to Fill Out a Labslip

WAV Continuous Temperature (Thermistor) Monitoring

Status and Trends (thermistor monitoring found on page 24)

WAV Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring

Project Riverine Early Detectors (RED) Volunteer Manual

Additional WAV Resources

Caring for Your Dissolved Oxygen Meter