

WAV volunteers collect and record their data on data sheets, which can be accessed here. PDFs include the Baseline Stream Monitoring datasheet, Habitat Assessment datasheet, meter calibration logs, and a thermistor log.


PDFs outlining the methods for both Baseline Monitoring and Special Projects can be found here. Our Baseline Monitoring methods include habitat, dissolved oxygen, transparency, temperature, flow, and biotic index. Special Projects vary with the needs of state agency staff. Current methods are located on this page, and methods for past projects can be found in the “What We Monitor” section of this site.

Video Library

WAV has created training videos for several of the parameters monitored by our volunteers. These videos are intended to supplement the in-person training that volunteers receive, not act in lieu of that training. Each video is in English or Spanish and accompanied by a script with timestamps to make it easy to follow along.

Coordinator Resources

Being a WAV coordinator involves organizing and managing groups of volunteers in order to collect data. Whether you’re a new coordinator looking to get started, or a past coordinator looking for updated materials the documents on this page are here to support you.

Four volunteers standing next to each other holding nets