Become a Coordinator

Coordination and Training Roles

Local Coordinating Groups

Local groups can support stream monitoring and the WAV program through coordinating training and monitoring initiatives across the state. If you’re a member or leader of a group with a shared dedication to local waterways, please contact the WAV statewide coordinator for details on how your group can get involved. Local groups typically provide these types of support to the WAV program:

  • Host introductory stream monitoring trainings (including setting dates, finding a location, recruiting volunteers)
  • Stay in contact with the local volunteers once they are trained to answer questions and give support and encouragement
  • Assist local volunteers with data entry
  • House and/or distribute equipment to volunteers

In addition, local coordinating groups may be involved in securing grants, hosting local events and supporting other stream activities.

Read our Overview of the Local WAV Coordinator Role for more information.

Check out our statewide list of current WAV Coordinators: 2024 WAV Local Coordinators

Local Trainers/Mentors

WAV also benefits from current volunteers who are willing to train and assist new volunteers in their local area. This support is likely to include:

  • Providing one-on-one training for new volunteers in your area
  • Supporting local individuals with an interest in stream monitoring by matching them with existing teams of volunteers and/or streams that need to be monitored in your area
  • Accompanying a new volunteer in your area during their initial stream visits


Please contact us to learn more about becoming a WAV Local Coordinating Group or a trainer/mentor.

Coordinator Resources