Webinar: Worms in the Water
December 17
Join us this winter for our annual Winter Water Talks webinar series! Webinars are co-hosted by the Water Action Volunteers Program and the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Program.
Worms in the Water: The role of parasites in aquatic ecosystems
Tuesday, December 17
Description: In this webinar, we will introduce you to some of the parasitic animals found in aquatic ecosystems! After a general overview, Dr. Sarah Orlofske will highlight some specific examples such as Swimmer’s Itch, White Grub, and Black Spot that may be of particular interest for economic and recreational activities. Sarah will also discuss some of her research on how parasites play a role in aquatic food webs. She will save some time at the end to show some specimens with a digital microscope system, including some live parasites if available!
Speaker: Dr. Sarah Orlofske grew up in Southeastern WI and was always fascinated by aquatic life from a young age. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Wildlife from UWSP and then a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary biology from the University of Colorado – Boulder. She is passionate about studying the multifaceted ways parasites influence communities and ecosystems.
FREE, registration required