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Winter Water Talks: Watershed-Based Fisheries Management in the Driftless Region

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February 17th, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Winter Water Talks: Watershed-Based Fisheries Management in the Driftless Region

Stream fish populations reflect not only the abiotic and biotic conditions within and near the stream, but those across the watershed. Few places is this more apparent than in Wisconsin’s Driftless Region, which has experienced significant changes in land use, climate, and trout populations over the past 100 years. In this presentation, Kirk Olson (WDNR Fisheries Biologist – La Crosse) will describe the history of conservation and trout fisheries management in the La Crosse Area and current fisheries management efforts emphasizing watershed-based fisheries management.

Hosted by Water Action Volunteers and Citizen Lake Monitoring Network.

Use the link under “Registration” to register.



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