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Winter Water Talks: Can we Farm and Fish at the Same Time?

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December 21st, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Can we Farm and Fish at the Same Time?
Thursday, December 21


Join Water Action Volunteers and the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network for our online winter webinar series! Winter Water Talks are free but require pre-registration at the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


As a leading agricultural and water recreation state, two of our biggest industries are often at odds over Wisconsin’s water. What’s the status of agricultural water impacts at the moment, and what’s being done to control them? Efforts have largely revolved around encouraging voluntary farming practice changes by farmers, but if that isn’t enough, what are the alternatives? Considering the broader food system in which agriculture sits offers some options

Presenter: Mike Tiboris, River Alliance of Wisconsin



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