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PFAS – “Forever Chemicals” in Wisconsin Waters

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January 22nd, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

PFAS refers to a family of thousands of chemicals manufactured to make (among other things) waterproof clothing and non-stick cookware. These “forever chemicals” don’t break down in the environment and are associated with numerous health risks. They’ve been in the news a lot lately as they keep turning up in drinking water wells and municipal water supplies. Join us for this webinar to hear about current research at the UW–Madison and current efforts at the WDNR to address the threat of PFAS contamination.

Christina Remucal, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UW–Madison
Michael Shupryt, Water Resources Manager, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Meghan Williams, Environmental Toxicologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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