Aquatic Invasive Species Training: Burlington, WI

September 21

This aquatic invasive species training is hosted by Wisconsin Sea Grant.

Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Following a training on how to identify aquatic plants and invertebrates and how to follow search protocols, volunteers will look for invasive species along the Fox River by foot along the riverbank or by boat (see below for more information). Potential invasive species will be verified and cataloged to guide species control and conservation management plans. This is a free event and recommended for ages 8 and up; minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Project RED (Riverine Early Detectors) is a FREE monitoring program in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Extension and WDNR designed to train and empower volunteers to identify and report invasive species within river corridors statewide.

Wisconsin Sea Grant will teach you how to:

  • Monitor your river by canoe, kayak, or on foot for species of concern.
  • Choose locations and a monitoring schedule that are convenient to you.
  • Utilize online data management tools to report your findings.

The protocols are easy and fun! Use this activity to become more familiar with your river or stream and to engage your friends and neighbors.

Learn more about the event, and sign up HERE.

Learn more about Project RED:


Burlington, WI





Scott McComb